Critical Illness insurance is a relatively new form of protection that provides money while you are still alive. It has tremendous flexibility if you become critically ill because there are no requirements for how you spend the lump-sum of money that you receive.
How does Critical Illness Insurance work?
Critical Illness Insurance provides you with a lump-sum payment to be used however you see fit. You can try alternative therapies, be treated outside of the country, hire someone to take care of you, hire a nanny to take care of your children and you choose how to spend your money.
You are eligible for your cash payment usually just 30 days after diagnosis and with no requirement on how you spend the money. You don’t have to get approval for expenditures, you don’t have to provide any receipts, and you don’t even have to spend the money on medical expenses.
If you die while the policy is in force, your beneficiary receives a refund of 100% of the premiums that you paid into your Critical Illness policy.
What chance is there that I will never need Critical Illness Insurance?
Did you know that you have a greater chance of getting a critical illness than dying before you’re 75? That probably seems scary.
The good news is that the majority of people who are diagnosed with a critical illness before 75 years old recover and get on with their life. In fact, statistics show that:
- More than 90% of people who have their first heart attack recover.
- More than 75% of people who have a stroke survive the initial incident.
- Women have a 1 in 9.5 chance of developing breast cancer and only a 1 in 26 chance of dying from it.
- Men have a 1 in 9 chance of developing prostate cancer and only a 1 in 27.5 chance of dying from it.
- If you are diagnosed with a critical illness you want to focus on your recovery. Treating an illness often includes unexpected costs, from medicine the government doesn’t cover to taking a break from your treatment. All of these extras cost money, money that a Critical Illness Insurance policy can provide.
What illnesses does Critical Illness Insurance cover?
Critical Illness insurance covers specific illnesses only and provides a way of protecting yourself against the high cost of rebuilding your lifestyle following a critical illness. You are eligible for your cash payment usually just 30 days after diagnosis and with no requirement on how you spend the money.
Most policies cover the following illnesses:
- Heart Attack
- Loss of Limbs
- Major Organ Transplant
- Stroke
- Blindness
- Coma
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Deafness
- Severe Burns
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Cancer
- Paralysis
- Loss of Speech
- Kidney Failure
- Heart Bypass Surgery
- Motor Neuron Disease (ALS)
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Occupational HIV
You can also customize your Critical Illness Insurance policy. We can help you determine which options are best for you.