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Bill Hetherington CFS Wealth Management

Bill Hetherington
Insurance Advisor
CFS Wealth Management Inc.

Tel: (613) 868-5883

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 1(866) 410-2675

Web: www.cfswealth.ca

Meet Your Insurance Advisor

Bill Hetherington

Assuring Access to Tax-Free Capital

My father passed away when I was 11 years old. I was a beneficiary on his life insurance policy. The proceeds were held in trust until I turned 18 when I discovered the life-changing opportunities access to tax-free capital brings. This discovery led to my life-long passion as an insurance professional. While there’s no doubt I would have traded the thousands of dollars paid to me tax-free to have my father at my side during my teenage years, I am thankful for the legacy he created.  

A few years ago, I became an eastern Ontario news story when I hit a deer on my motorcycle:

Motorcyclist seriously injured in collision with deer | CTV News

I purchased life insurance when I was young and healthy. I’ve recovered from injuries sustained from the accident, but I would be a non-standard risk if I applied for disability or life insurance today. My personal story has resonated with people with challenges obtaining insurance. I have provided solutions that allow them to provide access to tax-free capital for their loved ones, just like my father did for me. My practice has evolved to specialize in this area.

Assuring Access to Financial Documents 

My extensive career in insurance and financial services has ranged from working as a business analyst for the head office of a Canadian life insurance company to dealing with clients directly as a broker.    

One common theme has emerged over my two decades in the industry: While people focus on the need for a clearly defined financial plan, they sometimes forget to regularly monitor the plan once it’s in place, or more importantly, keep important documents linked to the plan in a safe, secure location where loved ones and beneficiaries can easily access them when they are needed. 

Canadians can lose track of their insurance policies and bank accounts during major life changes such as relocation or divorce. As of July 2023, the Bank of Canada held nearly 2.8 million dormant accounts worth about $1.16 billion — and the number and value of unclaimed accounts increases every year. 

2.8 million dormant insurance and investment accounts held by the Bank of Canada

A no-cost, no-obligation service I provide to my clients involves the design of a “single source of truth”; a place where all important financial planning documents are stored. This process is even more important today where many documents are produced electronically with no paper trail. Feel free to contact me for a confidential discussion. I’m here to help you ensure your financial future. Click the button above to book an appointment!

CFS wealth management. Contact us.

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